Home Consultations
Consulting on debt recovery

Consulting services offered by NeoCollect focused entirely on the way our customers manage the processes of debt recovery and management of payments in a dynamic and rapidly changing economic environment. We help our customers to create, optimize and effectively manage those processes that bring short-term benefits not only for their business but also provide long-term stability in handling financial debts.

Development and implementation of processes for debt recovery

Development and implementation of processes for debt recovery

Audit and optimization of debt collection processes

Audit and optimization of debt collection processes

Motivational campaigns for debt collectors

Motivational campaigns for debt collectors

Campaigns Mystery Debtor

Campaigns "Mystery Debtor"

Why choose a consulting service?

1.Because you will be granted access to the best practices in the field of contemporary debt collection processes. Our consultants have a long term experience in working with diverse financial and business organizations and can create the most proper solution for your business.

2. Because you spare time and money. The time is a decisive factor in managing debt collection and the lack of experience in this field, usually, results in mistakes. The elimination of these mistakes is expensive and time-consuming.

3. Because you will get new options. External consultants are not influenced by the corporate culture and policy in the company. Quite often, they are able to find new options that have not been noticed until this moment.

4. Because the results are effective and can be measured.


Trainings on debt collection

An efficient process is crucial in the debt management. This process, however, is the daily running of your company's employees and their skills and competences determine the final result. Developing skills to work effectively with payments in overdue is an investment that turns ordinary employees in the professionals, and the company - in a winning.
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Actual collection

If your time is precious and you would like to use the competence of trained professionals, the decision is a specialized company for the collection of your duties. Our teams specialize in extrajudicial recovery and we do not apply restrictions on the parameters of the commitments.

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Request a meeting!

Contact us and request an appointment. Our experts will offer recommendations for process optimization FREE.

E-mail: info@neocollect.bg
Телефон: +359 879 061501

Own debt network?

Debt collection – use own debt network or assigning to an external company

Събирането на просрочени вземания - със собствена мрежа или възлагане на външна компания This is one of the questions that almost every manager, have regard to the recovery wonders - using their own resources or hiring an external specialized company. Definite answer - as might be expected - none as factors that should be taken into consideration are too much.external link


Aurel Vlaicu 1882 – 1913 on the banknote of of 50 Romanian lei

Romanian lei

Aurel Valicu is an engineer, an inventor, airplane constructor and one of the first pilots in the world. He finishes his university education in Hungary and Germany and after his return in Romania in 1910, constructs his first airplane Vlaicu I. With the help of Vlaicu I, he succeeds to win the prestigious aviators race of the Austro-Hungarian crown and he triumphed over Roland Garros. The innovative airplane is confiscated during the German occupation of Bucharest and Aurel Vlaicu is last seen on the Berlin exhibition in 1942. Today, the airport in the Romanian capital is named after Aurel Vlaicu and his portrait was put on the banknote of 50 lei.