Home Consultations Debt collection processe
Development and implementation of the debt collection processes

Development and implementation of the debt collection processesFor the survival and successful development of the companies in a situation of a growing indebtedness, the presence of a structured process for debt collection and payments in overdue where there are clearly defined roles, responsibilities and obligations, actions that has to be taken against debtors as well as the terms in which this process will develop, is becoming more and more critical. Namely, the presence of a manageable process for debt collection will be capable of refunding the money to their owners. We, the team of NeoCollect, believe that by applying an effective process on debt collection, the companies will succeed to handle the delay of the payments by themselves. At the same time, they will be able to keep their business relations with the clients who have delayed these payments.

By focusing on the ways by which our customers manage their business organization and in accordance with their goals and requirements, we have created optimal processes on debt collection that will bring back not only short-term return of incomes but will also provide long-term stability of receivables.

Specialists and experts with great experience in this field will assist you in the following situations:

  • You would like to work with instruments for effective management of the results, connected to payments;
  • You have decided to implement a process on debt collection but you are not quite sure what are the right actions that need to be undertaken as regards to debtors and at what point will you will have to undertake these actions;
  • You have the intension to manage a unit or a department that will deal with payment management but you are not aware of the methods that have to be used;
  • You would like to manage all kinds of reports and parameters that will supply you with information for the present situation and to make prognosis about the future results in regard to the late payments;
  • You intend to develop the process of automation of debt collection by implementing a specialized software but you are not able to estimate the benefits of the available solutions on the market or their price seems to high for you.

Why choose a consulting service?

1.Because you will get access to the best practices in the field of contemporary debt collection processes. Our consultants have a long term experience in working with diverse financial and business organizations and can create the most proper solution for your business.

2. Because you spare time and money. The time is a decisive factor in managing debt collection and the lack of experience in this field, usually, results in mistakes. The elimination of these mistakes is expensive and time-consuming.

3. Because you will get new options. External consultants are not influenced by the corporate culture and policy in the company. Quite often, they are able to find new options that have not been noticed until this moment.

4. Because the results are effective and can be measured.


Request a meeting!

Contact us and request an appointment. Our experts will offer recommendations for process optimization FREE.

E-mail: info@neocollect.bg
Телефон: +359 879 061501

Own debt network?

Debt collection – use own debt network or assigning to an external company

Събирането на просрочени вземания - със собствена мрежа или възлагане на външна компания This is one of the questions that almost every manager, have regard to the recovery wonders - using their own resources or hiring an external specialized company. Definite answer - as might be expected - none as factors that should be taken into consideration are too much.external link


Damdin Sühbaatar 1893 – 1923 on the banknote of 500 Mongolian Tugrik

Mongolian Tugrik

Like Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey, Damdin Sühbaatar is regarded as the father of modern Mongolia. He is born to a poor family, almost without any education, after the proclamation of the independence of Mongolia in 1911, he enrolls in the army and this is how his military career starts. During the Chinese occupation in 1920, he succeeds to move through the blockade and reach the Soviet Union with a letter in which Mongolia is asking for help. The whip handle where the letter has been hidden, today can be seen in the museum in Ulaanbaatar. He returns back in Mongolia as a chief of the army that conquers the capital on 18th of February and since then this date is regarded as the national holiday of Mongolia. In the newly formed government, he holds the position Minister of war until 1923 when he dies.